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Our Wish List

The success of the rescue is dependent upon those who believe in and support our mission and the work we do to be able to help horses in need. Donations of supplies and services are very important. Please contact us if you are able to donate any of the items or services listed below. 

Through your generous donations of these much needed items, our operating expenses can be minimized allowing us to help more horses.

For the Horses:


Horse Wormer (no quest)

Grooming Supplies

Fly Masks

Fly Spray

Nutrena Feed (Original, Senior, Special Care)

Tribute Essential K

Horse Treats

Bagged Pine Shavings

Large Mineral/Salt Blocks

2.5 gallon flat back buckets

5 gallon buckets

Heated Buckets (2.5 gal., 5 gal., 16 gal.)

Halters/Lead Ropes




Wheel Barrows

Metal Garden and Leaf Rakes

Plastic Manure Forks

Muck Buckets




Vaccinations (Prestige V + WNV, EquiRab)

Banamine Paste or liquid


Probiotic paste

20 guage 1" needles & syringes




Building Materials (new & used)

Wood Fence Posts (treated)

8' Fence Planks

Portable Panels (round pens)

Cattle Panels



DSC_0889 (1).jpg
Grace Bam Bam & Bubbles 2020.jpg
Sunny & Tammie 10.7.20.jpg
Mama Mia tongue out 1.13.2021.jpg

Gift Certificates/Gift Cards:


Tractor Supply (TSC)

Family Farm & Home

Valley Vet

Big Dee's Tack & Vet Supplies





Grant Writer



Volunteer duties will include

stall cleaning, scrubbing and

refilling water buckets and

troughs & sweeping. These

tasks take approximately 2

Also looking for volunteers

interested in doing morning

feedings and turnout a few

days a week or as needed.
Horse experience not necessary

but preferred especially for

handling horses for turnout. 

Volunteers must me at least

16 years old, reliable and be

able to complete assigned tasks

unsupervised. You do not need to

volunteer everyday!. Once a week

or even once a month would be

a big help!



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